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Aviator Collection

Aren't we all dreamers? We now travel on airplanes as only one man dreamed of flying, like children who grew up dreaming of becoming pilots.

Behind all inventions are people's dreams. What more can we do, how can we make the world experience more beautiful, how high can we go up.

One day, when we fly up to that height and look down, we can see how small we are in this world. And our worldview will never be the same again.

As Leonardo da Vinci said: “Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”

Until you spread your wings, you will never know how far you can fly.


Iris Collection

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All of our collections are designed to be easily combined with each other in terms of colors and models and to provide elegance with care in details.

Special for you

Special for you


All products designed under ANCQA.EI9 quality are tested. Harmful dyes, chemicals and carcinogenic substances are not used in our products.

Depending on the use and conditions of textiles, the absence of any carcinogenic substances, we analyze and examine the effect on the product according to the composition, structure and properties of the fabric, we determine the use value and put our products on sale.”

Know What You're Wearing

Produce less but better!

We aimed to give men elegance with stretchy fabrics that give the comfort they have always sought.
While doing this, we are protecting our universal footprint, which is one of the biggest problems of our planet today.
made of durable, natural fibers to reduce the shine and stance of the first day as you use it.
We used protective fabrics.

About Us



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Giyimde Renklerin Etkisi

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The Story of a Cotton T-Shirt

In the world ranking, India, China and America are at the forefront of cotton cultivation. The planted cotton crops become cotton flowers within 110-150 days and are ready to be...

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